Our Team

Founder and CEO
Simon Li, Ph.D.

Founder and CEO
Dr. Simon Li obtained his Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia through the prestigious CUSPEA (China-U.S. Physics Examination and Application) program in the early 1980th. He was previously with the National Research Council of Canada (NRCC), where he developed the world’s first commercialized laser diode simulator. He founded Crosslight Software, Inc. in 1995 as a spin-off from the NRCC which has become a leading provider of TCAD tools for the semiconductor industry. Dr. Li is a well-known expert in semiconductor device physics and a semiconductor industry veteran with rich background in high-tech company management.

Co-Founder and VP, Business Development
Robert Taylor.

Co-Founder and VP, Business Development

Robert brings over 25 years of experience in technology licensing for semiconductors and power electronic systems. He has also served on the board of directors for public companies such as TSX listed LEIS Industries Ltd. Robert co-founded MegaHertz Power Sources Inc. in Nevada and later MegaHertz Power Systems Ltd. to commercialize IOT product applications. Robert and his associated companies are supporting GaNPower’s power electronic system design efforts.

Other Team Members
Our team member also includes technology & business consultants and well respected experts in the industry of power semiconductor devices and power electronics, such as IEEE fellows, full professors of top universities, etc. For more information, please contact information@iganpower.com